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HTML in Header and Footer
This demo shows how to add HTML in the header and footer of the generated PDF document and how to add page numbers in the footer. It also offers the possibility to alternate the header and footer content for the consecutive PDF pages.
Click the button to create a PDF with HTML in header and footer. Check on the 'Alternate Header and Footer Content' checkbox to change the header and footer content on the even pages.
Enter URL:  

 C# Code Sample
    protected void btnConvert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        PdfConverter pdfConverter = new PdfConverter();

        // set the license key
        pdfConverter.LicenseKey = "R8nYyNnI2MjRxtjI29nG2drG0dHR0Q==";

        // show header and footer in the rendered PDF
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowHeader = true;
        pdfConverter.PdfDocumentOptions.ShowFooter = true;

        // set the header height in points
        pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight = 60;

        string thisPageURL = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
        string headerAndFooterHtmlUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) + 

        // set the header HTML area
        HtmlToPdfElement headerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight,
                headerAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
        headerHtml.FitHeight = true;

        // set the footer height in points
        pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight = 60;
        //write the page number
        TextElement footerTextElement = new TextElement(0, 30, "This is page &p; of &P;  ",
                new Font(new FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 10, GraphicsUnit.Point));
        footerTextElement.TextAlign = HorizontalTextAlign.Right;

        // set the footer HTML area
        HtmlToPdfElement footerHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight,
            headerAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
        footerHtml.FitHeight = true;

        if (!cbAlternateHeaderAndFooter.Checked)
            // Performs the conversion and get the pdf document bytes that can 
            // be saved to a file or sent as a browser response
            byte[] pdfBytes = pdfConverter.GetPdfBytesFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL.Text);

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
            HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
                    String.Format("attachment; filename=HtmlInHeaderAndFooter.pdf; size={0}", 

            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response 

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
            // set an alternate header and footer on the even pages

            // call the converter and get a Document object from URL
            Document pdfDocument = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(textBoxWebPageURL.Text);

            if (pdfDocument.Pages.Count >= 2)
                // get the alternate header and footer width and height
                // the width is given by the PDF page width
                float altHeaderFooterWidth = pdfDocument.Pages[0].ClientRectangle.Width;
                // the height is the same with the document header height from the PdfConverter object
                float altHeaderHeight = pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight;
                float altFooterHeight = pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.FooterHeight;

                // create the alternate header template
                Template altHeaderTemplate = pdfDocument.Templates.AddNewTemplate(altHeaderFooterWidth, altHeaderHeight);

                string alternateHeaderAndFooterHtmlUrl = thisPageURL.Substring(0, thisPageURL.LastIndexOf('/')) + 

                // add html to the header
                HtmlToPdfElement altHeaderHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight,
                                    alternateHeaderAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
                altHeaderHtml.FitHeight = true;

                // add a horizontal line to the bottom of the header
                LineElement headerLine = new LineElement(0, altHeaderHeight, altHeaderFooterWidth, altHeaderHeight);

                // add page numbering to the left of the header
                PdfFont pageNumberFont = pdfDocument.Fonts.Add(new Font(new FontFamily("Times New Roman"), 
                            10, GraphicsUnit.Point));
                TextElement pageNumbering = new TextElement(10, 10, "Page &p; of &P;", pageNumberFont, Color.Blue);


                // create the alternate footer template
                Template altFooterTemplate = pdfDocument.Templates.AddNewTemplate(altHeaderFooterWidth, altFooterHeight);

                // add html to the footer
                HtmlToPdfElement altFooterHtml = new HtmlToPdfElement(0, 0, 0, pdfConverter.PdfHeaderOptions.HeaderHeight,
                                    alternateHeaderAndFooterHtmlUrl, 1024, 0);
                altFooterHtml.FitHeight = true;

                for (int pageIndex = 1; pageIndex < pdfDocument.Pages.Count; pageIndex += 2)
                    PdfPage pdfPage = pdfDocument.Pages[pageIndex];

                    pdfPage.Header = altHeaderTemplate;
                    pdfPage.Footer = altFooterTemplate;

            byte[] pdfBytes = null;

                pdfBytes = pdfDocument.Save();
                // close the Document to realease all the resources

            // send the generated PDF document to client browser

            // get the object representing the HTTP response to browser
            HttpResponse httpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response;

            // add the Content-Type and Content-Disposition HTTP headers
            httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/pdf");
                            String.Format("attachment; filename=HtmlInHeaderAndFooter.pdf; size={0}",

            // write the PDF document bytes as attachment to HTTP response 

            // Note: it is important to end the response, otherwise the ASP.NET
            // web page will render its content to PDF document stream
