Winnovative Web Chart Documentation

Winnovative Namespace

Winnovative Web Chart
Winnovative Web Chart namespace

Public classAxis
Chart axis
Public classAxisSettings
Chart axis settings
Public classBorder
Chart border settings
Public classChartClickEventArgs
Information sent to the user when the chart is clicked
Public classCharts3D
Chart titles
Public classColorItem
This class encapsulates a color structure. The color can be retrieved by explicitly or implicitly converting a ColorItem to color or by using the col property.
Public classGridLineSettings
Grid line settings
Public classItemLabels
Item labels settings
Public classLabelItem
This class encapsulates a label structure.
Public classLabels
Labels settings
Public classLegend
Chart legend settings
Public classLegendMargins
Chart legend margins
Public classScaleRange
Axis scale range settings
Public classTableColumnItem
This class encapsulates a table column structure.
Public classTicks
Axis ticks settings
Public classTitles
Chart titles
Public classTitleSettings
Chart titles settings
Public classTooltips
Chart legend settings
Public classWebChart
This is the web chart control
Public classWinChart
This is the windows forms chart control

Public delegateChartClickEventHandler
Handler definition for ChartClick event.

Public enumerationAlign
Titles alignment options
Public enumerationAxisType
Internal use
Public enumerationChartLineStyle
Line style options
Public enumerationChartType
This enumeration lists the types of Web Charts that can be generated by the component
Public enumerationGridLineType
Internal use
Public enumerationImageFormat
Format of the chart image
Public enumerationLegendBoxPosition
Legend Box options
Public enumerationScaleRangeType
Axis scale range options
Public enumerationStackType
Stacked charts type
Public enumerationTextOrientation
Text orientation options
Public enumerationTicksType
Axis ticks options
Public enumerationTitleType
Internal use