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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class com.winnovative_software.RgbColor
The predefined dark green color
Darken - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.Blending
Selects the darker of the backdrop and source colors.
Dash - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineDashStyle
Specifies a line consisting of dashes
DashDot - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineDashStyle
Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot
DashDotDot - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineDashStyle
Specifies a line consisting of a repeating pattern of dash-dot-dot
DateAndTime - Class in com.winnovative_software
Encapsulates the date and time
DateAndTime(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.DateAndTime
Constructs an object based on date and time components
day() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.DateAndTime
Gets the day
Default - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.ColorProfile
The default color profile
Default - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.HorizontalTextAlign
Align default
Default - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineCapStyle
Default line cap style.
Default - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineDashStyle
Default dash style
Default - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineJoinStyle
Default line join style.
Default - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.PdfBorderStyle
Default border style
Default - Static variable in class com.winnovative_software.PdfFormSubmitFlags
DEFAULT_HTML_VIEWER_WIDTH_PX - Static variable in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToImageElement
The default virtual browser width in pixels
DEFAULT_HTML_VIEWER_WIDTH_PX - Static variable in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToPdfElement
The default virtual browser width in pixels
defaultHtmlEncoding() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToImageConverter
Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
defaultHtmlEncoding() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToImageElement
Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
defaultHtmlEncoding() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToPdfConverter
Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
defaultHtmlEncoding() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToPdfElement
Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
defaultHtmlEncoding() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToSvgConverter
Gets the default HTML document text encoding to be used if there is no charset meta tag defined in the HTML document
defaultTitle() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.PdfBookmarkOptions
Gets the default title to be used for bookmarks that don't have an associated text
defaultValue() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.PdfFormField
Gets the default value of the field to which the field reverts when a reset form action is executed
destHeight() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.ImageElement
Gets the image destination height in PDF page
destination() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.Bookmark
Gets the bookmark destination
destination() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.PdfActionGoTo
Gets the explicit destination of the Go To action
DestinationViewMode - Enum in com.winnovative_software
The view mode when an explicit destination is displayed in the viewer
destPage() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.ExplicitDestination
Gets the destination page
destWidth() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.ImageElement
Gets the image destination width in PDF page
Difference - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.Blending
Subtracts the darker of the two constituent colors from the lighter color.
DigitalSignatureElement - Class in com.winnovative_software
Represents a digital signature in the PDF document
DigitalSignatureElement(byte[], String, int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.DigitalSignatureElement
Constructs a digital signature element that can be applied to a PDF document in the position where the last PDF element was rendered
DigitalSignatureElement(RectangleFloat, byte[], String, int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.DigitalSignatureElement
Constructs a digital signature element that can be applied to a PDF page in the given position
DigitalSignatureElement(RectangleFloat, String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.DigitalSignatureElement
* Constructs a digital signature element that can be applied to a PDF page in the given position
DigitalSignatureElement(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.DigitalSignatureElement
Constructs a digital signature element that can be applied to a PDF document in the position where the last PDF element was rendered
direction() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.ViewerPreferences
Gets the predominant reading order for text when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter
displayDocTitle() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.ViewerPreferences
Gets the flag specifying whether the window’s title bar should display the document title taken from the title entry of the document information dictionary when displaying the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter
docking() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.Template
Gets the the template docking inside the PDF page
Document - Class in com.winnovative_software
This class encapsulates a PDF document and can be used to create a new PDF document or to load an existing PDF document
Document() - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates an empty PDF document object.
Document(boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates an empty PDF document object using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from the specified PDF document data using a web service from a given URL
Document(boolean, String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with a color profile
Document(boolean, String, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with the specified color space.
Document(boolean, String, PdfStandardSubset) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space and color profile using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from and existing PDF file using a web service from a given URL
Document(boolean, String, String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, String, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space and color profile using a web service from a given URL.
Document(boolean, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file using a web service from a given URL
Document(boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file using a web service from a given URL
Document(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from the specified PDF document data
Document(byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document.
Document(int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates an empty PDF document object.
Document(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from the specified PDF document data
Document(int, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document.
Document(int, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with a color profile
Document(int, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with the specified color space.
Document(int, PdfStandardSubset) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard.
Document(int, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space.
Document(int, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from and existing PDF file
Document(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file
Document(ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with a color profile
Document(ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with the specified color space.
Document(PdfStandardSubset) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard.
Document(PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space.
Document(String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from and existing PDF file
Document(String, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from the specified PDF document data
Document(String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document.
Document(String, int) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates an empty PDF document object.
Document(String, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from the specified PDF document data
Document(String, int, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document.
Document(String, int, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with a color profile
Document(String, int, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with the specified color space.
Document(String, int, PdfStandardSubset) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard.
Document(String, int, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space.
Document(String, int, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space and color profile.
Document(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from and existing PDF file
Document(String, int, String, byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document from binary data containing a password protected PDF document.
Document(String, int, String, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space and color profile.
Document(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file
Document(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file
Document(String, ColorProfile) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with a color profile
Document(String, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document with the specified color space.
Document(String, PdfStandardSubset) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard.
Document(String, PdfStandardSubset, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document based on the specified PDF standard and using the specified color space.
Document(String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file
Document(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.Document
Creates a PDF document object from an existing password protected PDF file
documentInformation() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.Document
Offers access to the document information object where the document's title, subject, keywords, etc can be set
DocumentOperation - Class in com.winnovative_software
DocumentOperation() - Constructor for class com.winnovative_software.DocumentOperation
DocumentOpType - Enum in com.winnovative_software
domain() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.ImpersonationOptions
Gets the user Windows domain name.
Dot - Enum constant in enum com.winnovative_software.LineDashStyle
Specifies a line consisting of dots
downloadAllResources() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToImageConverter
Gets the flag indicating if the converter should try to download all the resources
downloadAllResources() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToImageElement
Gets the flag indicating if the converter should try to download all the resources
downloadAllResources() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToPdfConverter
Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources.
downloadAllResources() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToPdfElement
Gets the flag indicating if the HTML to PDF converter should try to download all the resources
downloadAllResources() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.HtmlToSvgConverter
Gets the flag indicating if the converter should try to download all the resources
drawOnEvenPages() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.Template
Gets the flag indicating if the template is drawn on the even pages
drawOnFirstPage() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.Template
Gets the flag indicating if the template is drawn on the first page
drawOnOddPages() - Method in class com.winnovative_software.Template
Gets the flag indicating if the template is drawn on the odd pages
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values