PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET Documentation

PdfViewer4AspNet Namespace

PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET
The namespace defining the PDF Viewer Control for ASP.NET

Public classPdfSecurityOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document security options. The PDF document is modified to apply the properties from the PdfSecurityOptions before being displayed in the viewer control and this might introduce an additional delay before the document is displayed.
Public classPdfViewer
The PDF Viewer control for ASP.NET
Public classPdfViewerException
The PDF Viewer Exception
Public classPdfViewerPreferences
Represents the viewer preferences of the PDF document. The PDF document is modified to apply the properties from the PdfViewerPreferences before being displayed in the viewer control and this might introduce an additional delay before the document is displayed.

Public enumerationDocumentDisplayMode
The display mode of the PDF document in the viewer.
Public enumerationEncryptionAlgorithm
The encryption algorithm
Public enumerationEncryptionKeySize
The length of the encryption key
Public enumerationPageFitMode
The fit mode of the PDF page in the viewer.
Public enumerationPdfViewerFullScreenExitMode
Used in PdfViewerPreferences to specify how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode
Public enumerationPdfViewerPageLayout
The page layout in PdfViewerPreferences to be used when the document is opened.
Public enumerationPdfViewerPageMode
Options in PdfViewerPreferences for how the document should be displayed when opened.
Public enumerationShowToolbarMode
The viewer toolbar display mode.
Public enumerationViewerTextOrder
Used in PdfViewerPreferences to specify the predominant reading order for text.