Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelChartLine Properties

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation

The ExcelChartLine type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoColorBorder
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the border color is auto colored. Default value is true and the auto color is applied. Setting a custom border color will put this property on false.
Public propertyAutoFormatBorder
Gets or sets a flag indicating if the border is auto formatted. Default value is false and the custom format is applied. Setting a formatting property will put this flag on false.
Public propertyLineColor
Gets or sets a custom color for the border.
Public propertyLineColorIndex
Gets or sets a custom color index in the workbook palette for the border.
Public propertyLineType
Gets or sets the border line dash type.
Public propertyLineWeight
Gets or sets the border line weight type.
See Also
