Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelCellStyle Properties

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation

The ExcelCellStyle type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAlignment
Gets the text alignment options for the text in a cell.
Public propertyBorders
Gets the an object representing the cell borders collection. Top, left, right and bottom borders can be retrieved individually from the borders collection and customized.
Public propertyFill
Gets an object used to set the fill options of the cell.
Public propertyFont
Gets an object used to set the font of the cell.
Public propertyIsBuiltIn
Gets a flag indicating if this cell style is a built in style.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of this cell style. The name is assigned when the style is added to the Styles collection of the workbook.
Public propertyNumber
Gets the number formatting options of the cell.
Public propertyProtection
Gets an object used to set the protection options of the cell. The protection options are applied only when the worksheet is protected.
See Also
