Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelCellAlignment Properties

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation

The ExcelCellAlignment type exposes the following members.


Public propertyDirection
Gets or sets the direction of the text in cells.
Public propertyHorizontalAlignment
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of the text in cells.
Public propertyIndent
Gets or sets the indent level of the cell. Each increment in the Indent is equivalent to the width of one character.
Public propertyOrientation
Gets or sets the orientation of the cell text as a value between -90 and 90 degrees. 90 means the content is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise. -90 means the content is rotated 90 degrees clockwise. 0 means the content is not rotated. Default value is 0.
Public propertyShrinkToFit
Gets or sets a value to indicate if the text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width. When true the text can shrink. Default value is false.
Public propertyVerticalAlignment
Gets or sets the vertical alignment of the text in cells.
Public propertyWrapText
Indicates if the Excel viewer will wrap the cell text
See Also
