Winnovative Web Chart Documentation

Labels Properties

Winnovative Web Chart

The Labels type exposes the following members.


Public propertyItemLabels
Labels for the value items (ex: percentage for pie/doughnut charts).
Public propertyLegendLabels
Labels for the legend (and Z axis for 3D charts). Use this to override the default labels. If the number of labels is smaller than the number needed, labels will be reused.
Public propertyXAxisLabels
Labels for X axis. Use this to override the default labels. If the number of labels is smaller than the number needed, labels will be reused.
Public propertyXAxisLabelsColumn
Column index (0-based) for the X axis labels. Use this to override the default labels. By default, the first column in the DataSource is used for the X Axis Labels.
Public propertyYAxisLabelsFormat
Format string for Y Axis labels. This property uses standard .NET formatting types. Check the MSDN Library for more details related to supported formatting types.
See Also
