Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET Documentation

Winnovative.WnvRtfToPdf Namespace

Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET
Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter Library for .NET
Winnovative.WnvRtfToPdf defines the RTF to PDF for .NET converter API. Basically it consists in the class PDFConverter that can be used to convert a RTF string to a PDF document.

Public classPdfConverter
This class offers the necessary API to create a PDF document from a specified RTF string or file
Public classPdfDocumentOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the PDF document redering process. The PDFConverter class define a reference to an object of this type
Public classPdfFooterOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the footer in the rendered PDF document. The PDFConverter class contains a reference to an object of this type. If the ShowFooter property from PDFDocumentOptions object is false, the footer options have no effect
Public classPdfHeaderOptions
This class encapsulates the options to control the appearance of the header in the rendered PDF document. The PDFConverter class contains a reference to an object of this type. If the ShowHeader property of the PDFDocumentOptions object is false, the header options have no effect
Public classRtfConvertException
The exception thrown by the RTF to PDF Converter library.

Public enumerationPdfCompressionLevel
This enumration represents the possible compression levels that can be used in the PDF documents created by the RTF to PDF library
Public enumerationPDFPageOrientation
PDF page orientation
Public enumerationPdfPageSize
The PDF document size