Winnovative Excel Library

ExcelChartSeries Properties

Winnovative Excel Library Documentation

The ExcelChartSeries type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBorder
Gets the border of the data point in this series.
Public propertyCategoryNamesRange
Gets or sets the range from where the category names for this series are taken.
Public propertyChartType
Gets or sets the chart type of the series. Series in an Excel chart can have different types. For example a serie can be of column type and another serie of line type. By default the chart type of the series is taken from the chart parent.
Public propertyDataPoints
Gets the collection of data points of this series
Public propertyInterior
Gets the series interior.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the series name.
Public propertyValuesRange
Gets or sets the range from where the series values are taken.
See Also
